St. Augustine Legacy Society

Ensuring a Strong Presence of Augustinians into the Future

Legacy SocietyThe St. Augustine Legacy Society recognizes friends and relatives of the Augustinians who have included the Augustinian Province of St. Thomas of Villanova in their estate plans or have made other provisions for a planned gift to the Province.

Legacy CoinMembers of the St. Augustine Legacy Society receive a St. Augustine Legacy Coin, recognition in the Province’s annual Gratitude Report, an invitation from the Prior Provincial to the Legacy and Leadership Mass & Brunch and remembrance in the daily Masses of the Augustinian Friars.

We invite you to join the members of the St. Augustine Legacy Society who have shared their intentions with us to include the friars in their estate plans. With a simple gift through your will, trust, retirement plan or life insurance policy, you can provide long-lasting support for the Augustinian Friars and the people they serve.

If you have already named the Augustinians in your estate plans, we would be pleased to enroll you in the St. Augustine Legacy Society. Please help us to ensure a strong presence of Augustinians in our schools, parishes and ministries into the future.

Please contact Madonna Sutter for more information.

Free Estate Planning Tool

Join fellow the Augustinians supporters on Giving Docs, a safe, secure and free-for-life suite of estate plan essentials. If you choose to include the Augustinians in your estate plans, you'll be eligible for [Legacy Society] benefits!

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